What are the top-up statuses?

  • [Success]: Your request will change to the [Successful] status within 1-7 minutes after you complete transferring the fund (with Bank transfer), and entering the transaction ID and clicking [Confirm Top-up] (with E-wallet transfer). Additionally, you will receive a confirmation email titled [Top-up Successful] if your top-up order is successfully confirmed.

  • [Failed]: A top-up request will be marked as [Failed] if you fail to complete the top-up transaction within 24 hours.

  • [Pending]: For top-up transactions via bank, if your request remains in the [Pending] status for more than 30 minutes, please contact the Wealify Customer Support team for assistance. For top-up transactions via E-wallet, please enter the transaction ID and click [Confirm Top-up] to initiate the processing by the system.

  • [Process]: Only display for top-up transactions via E-wallet. If your request remains in the [Processing] status for more than 30 minutes, please contact the Wealify Customer Support team for assistance.

Last updated